codify_hoijui 0.6.0

Helps in automatic code generation at compile-time, for initializing structs and enums containing data, which is to be available at runtime.


License: AGPL-3.0-or-later REUSE status

Helps in automatic code generation at compile-time, for initializing structs and enums containing data, which is to be available at runtime.

The practical use case of this, is to store resources/data in the binary in the most efficient form, so it will be ready at runtime, without having to include the data/files in their original, serialized, potentially innefficient form into the binary. This also means, the data does not have to be parsed at runtime/application-startup.


  1. Add this library to your normal and build dependencies in cargo:
    codify = { version = "0.3", package = "codify_hoijui" }
    codify = { version = "0.3", package = "codify_hoijui" }
  2. in your, load some data from resource files into structs/enums, using serde
  3. in your, call Codify::init_code() on that data, creating init code.
  4. write that code into a $OUT_DIR/ file
  5. Create a proxy source file under src/ - for example src/ - which does nothing more then include the generated file: include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
  6. load/use $OUT_DIR/ file at compile-time


For an example usage, see the file of osh-dir-std-rs project.